

Sunday, 5 January 2014

New Year, New Start ....

As an avid blog reader I have decided to give it a go, to document a bit of life, things we get up to and things I make.

At the start of a new year I like to think of a few things I'd like to learn during the year.
Probably something creative and something to bake.  Over the last couple of years its been crochet - took a good 6 months but it clicked, scones and last year was meringues, which I had messed up so many times I can't count, but not any more :)

New things I'd like to learn - how to make the perfect custard cream and learn to papercut.

Of course there's a much bigger list of things I'd like to do and a huge pile of unfinished projects that I need to tackle.

I'm also going to try and take a family picture every month and of course high on my list of things I should do are to exercise more and lose a bit of weight!!

Januarys family photo - after a walk in a local country park.

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